#1 management tool for cycling clubs

#1 management tool for cycling clubs
#1 Management tool for cycling clubs

Sign up for unlimited access
Join Cyql now to gear up for the upcoming season with your club! No hidden fees.

Cyql, the turnkey solution for cycling clubs
Manage your club with the comprehensive Cyql dashboard and with the free iOS and Android app you communicate directly and clearly with all your members.

Easily manage club members
Simplify the management of your club members effortlessly with our intuitive platform. Enjoy features such as group segmentation for easy organization, customizable membership cards, designated road captains for enhanced coordination, emergency contact integration for added safety and comprehensive member profiles. All designed to make member management super easy and user-friendly!
Schedule rides and training session
Effortlessly plan your club rides and training sessions, including recurring events. Enjoy intuitive features such as streamlined route planning, easy communication with members, real-time updates on ride details and the ability to schedule repeated rides and training sessions. All designed to make organizing your club’s activities a breeze!

Clear communication
Ensure clear communication with your club members using our straightforward platform. With features like instant messaging, event reminders, announcements and group chats. Keeping everyone in the loop has never been easier. Stay connected, informed, and engaged with your club community effortlessly!
Routes and GPX library
Effortlessly manage your club’s routes and GPX files with our intuitive GPX library. Upload, organize, and share routes seamlessly. Ensuring that all ride planners have access to the best routes for their rides. With handy filter and search functionality, detailed route preview. Organizing rides from your club has never been easier!

“After four months with Cyql, our club has transformed! Our members are more engaged, club rides are easier to organize, and the administrative overhead? Drastically reduced!”
“After four months with Cyql, our club has transformed! Our members are more engaged, club rides are easier to organize, and the administrative overhead? Drastically reduced!”
Fred Quinn
Passionate cyclist from Maynooth Cycling Club
Join Cyql for free, no hidden fees
Join the #1 solution for over 2.000+ clubs