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Cycling Together More with Cyql: The Success Story of Maynooth Cycling Club

Organizing club rides can be a challenging task – something that Maynooth Cycling Club, established in 2015, knows all too well. With 90 members and growing, the club faced the challenge of managing club rides amidst a deluge of WhatsApp messages and administrative duties. Their search for a suitable solution led them to Cyql, and to this day, the cycling club has no regrets!

Fred Quinn, a passionate cyclist from Maynooth Cycling Club, shared enthusiastically: “After four months with Cyql, our club has transformed! Our members are more engaged, club rides are easier to organize, and the administrative overhead? Drastically reduced!”

The benefit of Cyql isn’t limited to just reducing administrative tasks. Fred praises the versatility of the platform: “The fact that you can create recurring rides for the coming year and later add a route to the individual ride has more or less automated the process. The app has many handy features, such as a calendar for other club events and access to emergency numbers for all riders in a particular ride.”

These features truly make a difference. Besides helping administrators manage club activities, Cyql also fosters a sense of community. Fred notes: “All our club members find Cyql an optimal app to stay connected with the club. It has motivated many more people to participate in club rides.”

For those still hesitant about Cyql, Fred has a piece of advice: “I would highly recommend other clubs to try it out. It will certainly save time when organizing club rides, making them more transparent for members and encouraging them to get on their bikes. You need to invest some time initially to set it up, but after that, it works fantastically.”

In today’s digital age, keeping members engaged and rides organized is of utmost importance. As Fred’s experience with Maynooth Cycling Club shows, Cyql can be the game-changer every cycling club needs.




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