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Cyql offers a turnkey solution for cycling clubs!

Meer samen fietsen

Get members to ride more together in a safer way, and increase engagement with the club.

Laat je club groeien

Invite potential members in the region to participate in certain rides, and introduce them to your cycling club.

Veilig fietsen

Find suitable rides based on speed, distance and duration. Manage expectations in advance, and as a result, ride safer together in a group.


No more confusing WhatsApp groups, but all the relevant communication about your cycling club in a single app.

Wie is wie

Consult the handy face directory and get in touch with other members of the cycling group.

Club marktplaats

Buy and sell your cycling gear in a way that can be trusted on our own marketplace, by and for members.

Nieuws en Agenda

Stay up to date with the latest news and the cycling club's agenda, and receive push notifications so you never miss anything again.


The app has space for sponsors, so the cycling club app can also improve club finances.

Route delen

Consult the GPX database, and inspire yourself by trying the routes of other members.

We’re working with

25,000+ of the world’s most successful companies with trust

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