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Cyql enhances engagement at VWV Ermelo

VWV Ermelo is a lively cycling club with 370 members and has undergone a significant digital transformation through the integration of Cyql. This club, passionate about road cycling, mountain biking, and gravel biking, has embraced Cyql as a crucial tool for improving internal communication and increasing engagement within the club.

The impact of Cyql

Andries Jansen, chairman of VWV Ermelo, clarifies the impact: “When we needed a more efficient means of communication, CYQL offered us the perfect solution. With its user-friendly interface and lack of distracting advertisements, it allows our members to focus on their passion for cycling and strengthening our community ties.” This innovation has led to increased engagement, with 311 of the 370 members being active on the platform.

"We are convinced that the introduction of Cyql has positively influenced the number of new members at our club"
Andries Jansen
Chairman VWV Ermelo

Future and recommendations

Andries emphasizes the potential for improvements and future expansions. “A landing page that provides direct access to different parts of the app would be a useful addition,” he suggests. He also highlights the importance of simplicity and accessibility, essential for maintaining the core functions of Cyql.

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