Splitting rides into subgroups: more structure and flexibility in Cyql

A new Cyql update introduces a handy feature: the ability to split rides into subgroups. This improves organization and offers more flexibility within your club rides. In this blog post, we’ll explain how this feature works and the benefits it brings to both club administrators and members.

How does it work?

With the new subgroups feature, you can create a single ride and automatically divide it into smaller groups based on a label. This means that participants not only sign up for a ride but also select the group they want to join. For example, different speed groups:

  • Group A (fast riders)
  • Group B (moderate speed)
  • Group C (recreational speed)

When a member registers, they can immediately choose the group that suits them best. This keeps everything organized and ensures that everyone knows their designated group on the day of the ride.

What are the benefits?

  • More structure within club rides – No more uncertainty about who rides in which group.
  • Faster and easier planning – Club administrators no longer need to create multiple rides for different speed levels.
  • Better experience for club members – Everyone can easily select a group that matches their skill level.

Want more details? Check out the full guide on our helpdesk.

Available in Cyql v3.3.0

To use this feature, make sure all club members update to the latest version of the Cyql app (v3.3.0). That way, they can start enjoying this new functionality right away!


Getting Started with Cyql [4 of 6]: Cyql’s Integration with Other Platforms

Getting started with Cyql - Part 4 of 6

Cyql’s Integration with Other Platforms

Cycling clubs often rely on various digital tools to plan their rides and share routes. Cyql offers an all-in-one solution for club management, but what if you want to combine Cyql with other popular cycling apps like Strava, RideWithGPS, Garmin Connect, Komoot, and AllTrails? In this post, we explain how to make the most of these integrations to elevate your club experience.

Why Are Integrations Important?

Many cyclists already use platforms like Strava, RideWithGPS, Komoot, and AllTrails to explore and share routes. By integrating Cyql with these tools, you can easily import and use routes within the Cyql platform. This ensures efficient club management without the need to manually transfer data between different apps.

With Cyql integrations, you can:

  • Import routes from external platforms like Strava, RideWithGPS, Komoot, and AllTrails and use them directly for Cyql rides.
  • Export routes to Garmin Connect and similar tools, making it easy to import them onto cycling computers for navigation.
  • Organize club rides more efficiently by reusing and centrally managing existing routes.

How Does Cyql Integrate with Other Platforms?

Cyql makes it easy to import and export routes via external platforms. Below, we explain how to activate and use these connections.

1. Cyql and Strava: Importing Routes

Strava is one of the most popular platforms for cyclists to track and analyze their activities, but it is also widely used for routes. With the Cyql integration, you can:

  • Link an existing Strava account to Cyql, giving you direct access to your Strava routes, which you can use within the Cyql platform.
  • Base club rides on existing Strava routes, allowing you to easily benefit from previously created routes.

How to set up the connection?

  • Open the Cyql app, go to Settings, select Connected accounts, and click Linking Strava.
  • Log in with your Strava account and grant Cyql access to your Strava data.
  • Once your Strava account is linked, you can select existing Strava routes when creating a new ride.
Cyql Strava Connect

2. RideWithGPS: Detailed Routes and Navigation

RideWithGPS offers extensive route planning and navigation features. With the Cyql integration, you can:

  • Import personal RideWithGPS routes into Cyql and use them for a ride.
  • Use RideWithGPS club routes in Cyql to create rides.

How to link RideWithGPS?

  • Open the Cyql app, go to Settings, select Connected accounts, and click Ride with GPX pairing.
  • Log in with your RideWithGPS account and grant Cyql access.
  • Once your RideWithGPS account is linked, you can select existing RideWithGPS routes when creating a new ride.

3. Garmin Connect: Exporting Routes for Navigation

Garmin Connect is ideal for cyclists who want to send their routes directly to their Garmin devices. With Cyql, you can:

  • Export routes to Garmin Connect, making them easy to import onto cycling computers for navigation.
  • Use similar services to transfer routes to other devices.

How does it work?

  • Open a ride with a GPX file or open the desired GPX file in the GPX library.
  • Open the options menu (the icon with three vertical dots) and select Share GPX.
  • Choose the desired sharing option, in this case, Garmin Connect, and the route will open in the Garmin Connect app.

4. Komoot and AllTrails: Importing and Using Routes

Komoot and AllTrails are popular platforms for cyclists and outdoor enthusiasts looking to explore detailed routes. With Cyql, you can:

  • Import routes and GPX files from Komoot and AllTrails and use them directly within the Cyql platform.
  • Take advantage of the extensive route libraries of these platforms to plan club rides.
  • Easily share routes with club members, ensuring everyone is well-prepared.

How to import routes?

  • Open the Komoot or AllTrails app and find a suitable route for your Cyql ride.
  • Open the options menu and select Share GPX or Download GPX (the exact process varies per platform).
  • Select the Cyql app to open the route. The route will be loaded in Cyql, and the ride creation process will start automatically.
  • The selected Komoot or AllTrails route will now be used as the basis for your Cyql ride.

How to Get the Most Out of These Integrations?

By combining Cyql with other platforms, you can benefit from the best features of each system. Here are some practical applications:

  • Easily share routes: Import existing routes and make them available for club rides.
  • Improve navigation: Export routes to Garmin Connect and similar platforms for use on cycling computers.
  • Organize rides more efficiently: Centralize routes and club rides in Cyql for better oversight.

Coming Up Next...

In part 5 of this series, we’ll dive deeper into the Cyql app for iOS and Android. How can you make the most of Cyql’s mobile version for managing your club and rides? Stay tuned!

Want to stay updated with the latest tips and updates? Follow us on Facebook or Instagram!

Need some help getting started with Cyql?

Have you taken the first steps but need some extra help? Or would you like to learn more about Cyql? Feel free to contact our support team or schedule a call with one of our representatives  to discuss the possibilities. We’re happy to assist you and look forward to helping your cycling club succeed!